A writer inspired by nature and human nature

One brush stroke at a time! ~ Bette A. Stevens

Sacred Touches

You don’t just have a story –
you’re the story in the making,
and you never know what the
next chapter is going to be.
That’s what makes it exciting.
~Dan Millman


Life is like a book and
we’re the writers of our own stories,
the makers of our own destiny.
And each day is a new chapter,
a new challenge,
a new path,
a new journey.

Your word, Lord, is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. ~Psalm 119:105  ✝

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Comments on: "762. Life is like a canvas. It begins blank every day, and when at day’s end it’s like another brush stroke has been painted across it. ~Edited Unknown" (8)

  1. Great quotes Bette!


  2. loiswstern said:

    And I’m so glad you did, Bette. These are words I will want to share while doing
    my next workshop!


  3. Beautiful post, Bette, Hugs


  4. Dear Sharon,
    A beautiful poem from you, my dear friend and Proverbs 3:5 & 6 are two verses I hold dear.


  5. This is great, Bette.

    The following is a poem I wrote.

    People come and go in our lives

    Sometimes causing happiness, sometimes sorrow

    They weave in and out of our lives like a thread

    Perchance circumstance causes us to change our course in life

    Sometimes causing events that make us move from here to there

    We wonder why these things happen; what is the purpose

    Puzzling as life can be at times, we continue on through the maze

    Each of us moving in a way we think God wants us to move

    Never really understanding why our lives become as they are

    We look back at the things that have brought us to this place

    We remember events and people and questions form in our minds

    Why did he leave; why did she die; why did it have to happen?

    In my mind, everything appears as a tangled web; all knotted and twisted

    Like strings that have come undone from a ball of twine

    No apparent pattern or organization, no clear picture to be seen

    Then it happens; we take that journey home

    Home to be with our Lord and Savior

    All is forgotten about the mystery of our early life

    I am brought before a tapestry, so beautiful a scene, it makes me cry

    The placard beneath the hanging says, “Your life.”

    I look up at my Lord with questioning eyes

    Jesus takes my hand and leads me to the back of the tapestry

    I see the chaos that makes up the beauty on the other side

    Strings of life going here and there, all connected at some point

    I awake and suddenly it becomes so clear

    All the strings, knots and tangles were the making of a beautiful tapestry

    A masterpiece called… “Your Life;” …My Life

    One life crosses another and things change

    Sometimes for the worse; sometimes for the better

    But God has a reason for everything He allows

    I met you and we became friends

    We are learning more about each other every day

    Still there are areas of our lives which remain a mystery

    What will happen down the road, we cannot tell

    We must trust to our Lord’s guiding Hand

    Follow where He leads; not try to forge the path ourselves

    Our Lord knows what’s best in our lives

    He will decide where it is best to go and what happens in that path

    “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”

    Proverbs 3:5

    By Sharon

    It’s kind of the same concept.


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