A writer inspired by nature and human nature

We really do have the power to make it happen, one brush stroke at a time. ~ Bette A. Stevens (Image from Pinterest)

We really do have the power to make it happen. ~Bette A. Stevens (Image from Pinterest)

Knowledge of the past holds one of the keys to world peace. Knowledge of the people in the world around us today holds another essential key. However, knowledge in and of itself is useless, much like a collection of unused paint brushes resting on the world’s shelf. It is our job to pick up the brushes and start painting. The perfect portrait of peace begins within each of us.  It’s painted one brush stroke at a time. Here are some simple steps that we can all take to contribute to that portrait:

Take the time to learn about those who are different from us in some way. We may want start with someone in our own family. Even there, we often find differences in opinions, race, religion, beliefs, customs, cultures, political affiliations. The list of personal differences and the diversity of relationships goes on….

Working in the classroom as a teacher of students from diverse backgrounds, I learned first-hand that those who hold different beliefs from my own are all unique individuals with whom I have many things in common. We all share the same needs and desires, the same frustrations and fears, the same hopes and dreams.  Whether students, parents, staff, volunteers, administrators or colleagues, I have gained respect for and have been deeply enriched by each encounter. Life-long relationships are nurtured and continue to blossom and grow.

Sure, that all sounds great; but what can we actually do as individuals to promote peace?

  • Listen to others
  • Get to know them (That means spending time with them) Let them get to know us (talk)
  • Respect differences
  • Look for commonalities
  • Nurture relationships
  • Offer and extend a helping hand
  • Encourage others
  • Enlist the help of others
  • Give input and feedback
  • Keep the conversation going 

The brush strokes to peace lie within each of one us. How do we paint the canvas? One brush stroke at a time. BUILD RELATIONSHIPS—listen, share ourselves and our ideas, respect those of others, look for commonalities. Our individual and collective lives will continue to be enriched as we work together to paint a perfect portrait of world peace. We really do have the power to make it happen, one brush stroke at a time.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

~ Bette A. Stevens, Maine author

[Explore Bette’s Blog]




Comments on: "Let There be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me" (41)

  1. Love the song and love your great comments.
    Rick McBee, Author


  2. Wow beautiful post!! Too much positivity to dig in your blog! You are just amazing Bette


    • Thanks so much for your visit and for your thoughtful comments, Sumith. Your food blog creations are artistic and inspiring. It’s great to be connected, my new friend. May your New Year be filled with wonders! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Bette love reading your posts too. You are over flooded with positivity in you. So great to be connected. Have a nice day!!


  3. Beautiful! Blessings to you Bette.


  4. Beautiful post. Our world seems to have gone a little insane lately and it’s always comforting to remember that we can each make a difference in our own lives. Collectively, we can reshape the content and direction of the dialog. Peace to you in the coming year, my friend ❤


  5. I like the brush stroke / painting analogy.
    A wonderful sentiment for the start of a new year.


  6. A beautiful New Year’s message Bette. Wishing you a year of fulfilled dreams, health, and happiness. Hugs.


  7. Lovely thoughts Bette, I appreciate each word of your message…all good things begin with us! Let’s do our bit. 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful 2017!


  8. […] Source: Let There be Peace on Earth and Let it Begin with Me […]


  9. I love this post, Bette. Thanks for sharing. It is so important to have the movement for peace begin with us. I like your description of not doing anything as unused paintbrushes.
    Your suggestions for getting to know each other and appreciating the uniqueness of the similarities and differences in each of us is very important. I am writing about that on my readilearn blog this week also. As you say, “The brush strokes to peace lie within each of one us. … We really do have the power to make it happen, one brush stroke at a time.


  10. Reblogged this on Jan Hawke INKorporated and commented:
    This is sort of blog post that NEEDS to go ‘viral’ – so it starts now and hopefully I’ll be re-blogging more of the same all throughout this brand new year! 😀


  11. Dear Bette, what an absolutely wonderful post. These are words we all need to remember in the coming year because you are so right with your quote. It must begin with each one of us.


  12. Well said! That’s how I hope to go and I hope very much it will make a difference.


  13. Dear Bette,

    what a wonderful post! Happy New Year!


  14. Loved this, Bette. A beautiful song in the beautiful colours of the whole world’s peoples. We are so strong together!


  15. Felicia Denise said:

    Beautiful post, Bette! Peace and blessings to you and yours in the coming new year!


  16. A beautiful message for the New Year, Bette. May we all join together to paint this canvas of peace. Warmest wishes for a joyful and creative New Year to you. 😀🎉


  17. 🍷🎊🎈🎉🎆💃


  18. That was our closing song in church every day. It holds such special meaning for me. God Bless you and keep you always at your best! ❤


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