A writer inspired by nature and human nature

Celebrating International Haiku Poetry Day!

As I wandered out into the garden with my trusty camera early this morning, much to my surprise, an icy blanket at the edge of the rock garden had melted and a family of opening jonquils greeted me with their smiles. Being the first blooms of the season, they simply made my day and inspired me to write “A Spring Concerto,”  a haiku (Japanese-inspired, non-rhyming three-line: 5-7-5 syllable poem).

A Spring Concerto
HAIKU by Bette A. Stevens

Jonquils awaken

Shaking their heads in wonder

A spring concerto

Personally, I love designing  posters to go with my poems and often use photos I have taken. As a former teacher (now retired) in grades four through eight, I know that kids of all ages love writing poetry and they enjoy illustrating their poems too. It’s simple and it’s so much fun to tell a story in the three short lines of Haiku. Of course, you can write as many stanzas as you wish. Today’s a perfect day for you to give it a try.

Get out your pen, get outdoors in nature, get inspired…and get the kids writing haiku too!

~Bette A. Stevens, Maine author/illustrator

(Haiku: m)


noun hai·ku \ˈhī-(ˌ)kü\



  1. :  an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing usually five, seven, and five syllables respectively; also :  a poem in this form usually having a seasonal reference — compare tanka


Discover more about how to write haiku and other poetry:

Find out more about International Haiku Poetry Day

[Explore Bette’s Blog]






Comments on: "Write a Spring Haiku & Get the Kids Writing Too!" (32)

  1. Wonderful advice for a children’s activity, Bette – and a beautiful Haiku. Toni x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My kids love writing haiku as well! Thanks for sharing this inspiration at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com this week!


    • Thanks for stopping by for a visit, Tina. Kids love to explore the world and express their findings with words and so do I… Happy Haiku Writing with the kids! 🙂 x0


  3. Love the idea of a spring concerto. Thanks for contributing Bette.


  4. Jumped over from the Senior Salon
    Beautiful, Bette. Back in my acting days (first career) I was fortunate to be cast as Amanda in an award winning production of Tennessee Williams’ Glass Menagerie, and the jonquils speech was one of my favorite parts – so thanks for a nice trip down memory lane.

    I played her as if that memory were actual, by the way, which made her current situation all the more tragic and much of her behavior toward Laura and her insistent pressure for Tom to bring home a Gentleman Caller for his sister more understandable, it seemed to me, increasing the pathos of the entire play.

    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!”


    • Thank you for joining the conversation and sharing your awesome memory with me…I’ll be thinking of you and Glass Menagerie each time those jonquils reappear! Blessings and love, Bette

      Liked by 1 person

      • How dear of you to say that – your reply has touched me more than you can imagine.

        There are days when I miss my theatre career dearly – and it is strange that, outside of my friends in NYC, so few people who think of me as a brain-based coach know that side of me, after it was such a huge part of my life for over 3 decades. You have made my morning with this comment, Bette.


  5. Beautiful post Bette, thanks for sharing this link. And a great way to host the spring, beautiful photograph and happy International Haiku Day.


  6. What a beautiful welcome to Spring! Lovely words that match the blooms!..


  7. I am also inspired so much by nature. I love to write haiku and put it on my photos, too. Your spring haiku is so refreshing and inspiring and the picture is great! I wrote one about butterflies using the online magnetic poetry kit.

    Hope you had a lovely Easter. Blessings to you!


    • Hi, Gayl. Delighted that you stopped by to share about your passions. We certainly have much in common. I’ll be following your blog and look forward to learning more about you and journey. Blessings & love! 🙂 xo

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Shirley Harris-Slaughter said:

    Bette you have such a beautiful blog and graphics. All that pink wakes you up. lol


  9. A lovely haiku and a beautiful photograph, Bette.


  10. Beautiful image, beautiful haiku, and beautiful presentation 🙂


  11. Image is just amazing. Loved it😍
    Will glad to have you at my site too


  12. Thank you for sharing your lovely photo and ‘Spring concerto’ of a haiku…beautifully tender and lyrical. 😀❤️ I love the name of Jonquils – so much more poetic than daffodils!!


  13. What a lovely welcome to Spring! Beautiful words that match the flowers! Happy International Haiku Day Bette. Stay blessed.


  14. SO beautiful! I love jonquils. Happy Int’l Haiku Poetry Day. ❤


    • Thank you, Annette. After reading your post today, I simply had to get this one out there. Congrats on your new book–you chose a perfect time for its debut. Happy International Haiku Day & Month to you too, dear friend! ❤ xo


  15. Except for the forsythia, they are also our first flowers. Well, okay, not counting the crocus, either. They are such a beautiful yellow, too. Like sunshine!


    • Thrilled to find spring’s first blooms here at The Farmstead. Somewhere, heaven only knows just where, our crocuses are hiding. Still have bits of ice and snow here and there. Have a sensational week enjoying the wonder of it all, Marilyn… That’s my plan! 🙂 ❤ xo


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