A writer inspired by nature and human nature

I did it! This is my first NaNoWriMo and my first novel. The challenge was to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days during the month of November. Well, this is Day 27 and I just wrapped up the first draft. I am working towards a publication date of Spring 2014. I invite you to follow my blog and sign up for Bette’s Email Updates (right column of this blog) for updates and excerpts as the journey to writing my debut novel continues. You can read an excerpt of the novel’s prequel, PURE TRASH, The Story at the top of this blog. Happy reading. ~ Bette A. Stevens
2013-Winner-Facebook-Cover“Debut novel will take you on an American adventure you will never forget.”

PURE TRASH, The Novel (Coming—Spring 2014)
The Adventures & Coming of Age of Shawn Daniels: A poor boy growing up in rural New England in the 1950s and ’60s.
by Bette A. Stevens

Description: If you grew up in the 1950s and the 1960s, you may be among those who recall those good old “Happy Days” of television fame.  Poverty and prejudice were generally ignored or simply acknowledged as existing in third-world countries during this time in American history when a new middle-class was burgeoning. But poverty and prejudice were sitting right in front of us, in towns and cities all across this great land. The 1960s is a time when racial tension abounded, the Vietnam conflict was heating up and President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. It was a time when Americans were planning trips to the moon. And, it was a time in America when the poor were ignored.

For Shawn Daniels, growing up during this time of plenty was far from happy. Shawn’s life is one that few Americans are aware of now, or acknowledged at the time. Shawn’s dad is the town drunk, the family has no running water or indoor plumbing, but they do get a TV.  With few of life’s necessities or its perks, Shawn learns to make the best of what he does have. Poverty and prejudice are just two of  the themes in Shawn’s story. This novel will take you on an American adventure you will never forget.

PURE TRASH, The Novel is the complete package for PURE TRASH, The Story (August 2012, Amazon) –a short story adventure that highlights bullying, class division, prejudice and poverty in rural New England. PURE TRASH, The Novel opens with Shawn leaving high school to join the U.S. Army in 1964. The storyline follows Shawn’s life from age four to age 18 when he sets out on a new adventure carrying with him the hope for a future far better than the past he is leaving behind.

Comments on: "DEBUT NOVEL… I finished the draft!" (13)

  1. suzanna said:

    Well done Bette.


  2. Well done, Bette. Congratulations!


  3. Wowowow! 50,000 words in a month! I’m more than impressed. I don’t have enough words. So pleased for you!! What a brave start!


  4. Well done, Bette! Great news 🙂


  5. Way to Go! How exciting. Can’t wait to keep up with the news via this blog.


  6. Woohoo! You go girl! Blessings, Natalie 🙂


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