A writer inspired by nature and human nature

PURE TRASH by Bette A. Stevens—this short story set in the 1950s offers readers and book clubs insight into poverty and prejudice in rural New England during a time in history when many families were living the American Dream. Read all about it and GRAB A COPY of PURE TRASH TODAY! http://amzn.to/1T5tMAZ 

“A great book for young adults, parents, guardians, mentors, and educators to read. Strongly recommended!” Yoong

“A nostalgic gem – I was swept away from the first paragraph and thoroughly enjoyed this skillfully written short story. This author knows how to paint mind-pictures and flavor them with taste, smell, and sound.”  WJ Scott, Children’s Author, Fairy Dust.

“Pure Trash is unlike any story I’ve read. At first, it reads like a memoir from Reminisce Magazine, but as the story unfolds, I connected with the characters at a deep level. The author explores prejudice, class division, alcoholism, poverty, injustice, and bullying. It’s a story all audiences over the age of ten can enjoy. While reading this story, the reader will experience the joy of a carefree Saturday and the blistering pain of feeling not quite good enough.” Tricia Drammeh, AuthorsToWatch

Take a Look Inside at your Amazon to read more of the 62 reviews.

PURE TRASH (Literary Fiction/ages 11-adult) by Bette A. Stevens—ONLY 99¢ for a limited time at YOUR AMAZON  http://amzn.to/1T5tMAZ — is a short story about bullies and what it’s like to be bullied. It may redefine your concept of bullying. If you were a child who was thought of as “different” in some way, you know what bullying is about: torment, persecution, intimidation, to name a few of its descriptors. For Shawn and Willie, their difference was based upon the social status of the dysfunctional family and the alcoholism and abject poverty in which they grew up. This short story is a prequel to Stevens’s novel DOG BONE SOUP.


Pedaling up the half-mile hill was a lot of work, but it was worth it, and not for just the empties. Flying down the other side gave me the best feeling in the whole wide world. I guess that’s how that old chicken hawk feels when he soars above the pines at the edge of the field out back of the house.

Once we reached the peak, we plopped our bikes on the ground and threw ourselves onto the soft, damp bed of leaves at the edge of the woods. It was so peaceful. My mind wandered into the sky and I dreamed about the ride down the other side and the 10 cent Orange Crush I’d buy at Stark’s General Store.

“Hey, Willie,” I finally asked, “did ya bring the slingshot?”

“Sure did, Shawn. Whatcha wanna shoot today?”

Willie’s brown eyes looked as big as Mum’s pan fried donuts and his smile pretty nearly filled his round face as he jumped right up from his leafy bed and hovered over me like a bear.

I helped Willie make that slingshot out of rubber bands I’d sliced from one of the old inner tubes piled out by Dad’s rusty Ford Roadster. That Ford had headlights on top of the fenders and the “old jalopy,” as Mum called it, was just rottin’ away out back of the two-holer. We broke a crotched limb out of the choke cherry bush to use for the handle. I tied the rubber band and the handle together with string from one of the flowered chicken feed sacks that Mum used to make her house dresses. That string was real strong and I was good at tying knots. Willie was proud as a peacock when it came to showing off that slingshot.

“How about we find some old tin cans and pile them up like a tower?” I asked Willie. “Better yet, let’s both make towers and see whose gets knocked down first.”

“Yes, siree!” Willie hooted as he made a mad dash to grab as many of the rusty cans as his chubby arms could hug together at one time. ###

Join Shawn and Willie for a 1950s Saturday adventure—Download PURE TRASH for ONLY 99¢ today!

Also available on MATCHBOOK: Purchase the paperback from Amazon for only $5.49 any time and download the eBook version for #FREE.


Inspired by nature and human nature, award-winning Maine author Bette A. Stevens is a retired elementary and middle school teacher. Stevens is the author of AMAZING MATILDA, an award-winning picture book; The Tangram Zoo and Word Puzzles Too!, a home/school resource  incorporating hands-on math and writing; and PURE TRASH, the short story prequel to her debut novel, DOG BONE SOUP, a baby boomer’s coming of age story.

[Explore Bette’s Blog]





Comments on: "PURE TRASH by Bette A. Stevens—“A single day—a lifetime of lessons!” ONLY 99¢ thru July 4th, 2018" (44)

  1. A terrific book. To anyone reading the comments, for heaven’s sake go read this book. It’s a coming of age book that will instantly enlist your sympathy for the main character, and you’ve just got to read to the end to find out if he manages to succeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just ordered my copy.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just downloaded my copy. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Marvelous idea, Bette. It’s a terrific story for the Fourth of July. Hugs!


  5. Bette, this remains one of my favorite books. I have shared on Facebook and Twitter. Love and hugs, dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I got it and am looking forward to getting into it soon. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Janet! 🙂 When you purchase the paperback of any of my books, you can always download the eBook versions (kindle copy) to your computer for free… Hope you enjoy the book. Have a wonderful weekend! xo


  7. Just ordered three of your books, Bette, and look forward to sharing two of them with my favorite young neighbors.


  8. Reblogged this on BrewNSpew and commented:
    Check out this deal for “Pure Trash”, a book written by Bette A. Stevens!


  9. Sharing for you, Bette. 😃


  10. Gwen Plano said:

    I loved “Pure Trash” and hope all read it. Happy Fourth to you! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  11. That’s a generous offer, Bette.


  12. A superb offer and as a huge fan of your book I hope many more will take this up and have a great read! Congratulations on all the reviews – very happy for you. Sharing further. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, Bette! ❤️🌺


  13. A wonderful story Bette. Sharing! 🙂


  14. Wonderful book! Get your copy today! Hugs xx

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I’ll share on Twitter, Bette. 🙂


  16. A wonderful book, Bette. I hope you get lots of takers. 🙂


  17. I loved this book Bette. 🌼

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Shared.
    All the best with your writing, Bette. 📖

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Sharing for you, Bette.


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