A writer inspired by nature and human nature

Don’t miss this post from M.C. Tuggle... Bette A. Stevens, Maine author http://www.4writersandreaders.com

Excerpt: “In the United States — yes, the United States — 1 out of 4 children grow up without learning to read. That’s intolerable. Want to do your part to make the world a better and happier place? Read, and do what you can to help others read. ”

M.C. Tuggle, Writer


There is no doubt in my mind that modern society traps its subjects in an unhealthy and unsuitable environment. That stark realization motivates many of my stories (see here and here, for example). The most disturbing symptom of how toxic our culture has become is the increasingly acerbic mutual distrust evident in current politics. Little wonder so many feel depressed, powerless, and alienated.

Rather than utilizing technology to better our lives, we let it rule us. Distracted by smart phones, buffeted by inescapable sensory overload, and hobbling our discourse in 140-character outbursts at each other, we’re incapable of understanding our own inner selves, much less that of others.

Fortunately, the tonic for the condition we find ourselves in is close at hand — if only we would use it, as this eye-opening piece in big think proclaims:

Research shows that reading not only helps with fluid intelligence, but with…

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Comments on: "How Reading Rewires Your Brain" (23)

  1. That is an unbelievable figure, Bette! How can they possibly slip through the net of school….that is 25% of the population effectively disenfranchised, cut off from most work places, unable to live anything resembling a ‘normal’ life such as basic things reading shopping labels, doing banking…anything. Is anything being done to rectify this? Can it be true? I know there are appalling figures in the U.K. of people with a low literacy rate, i.e. Reading ability of an eleven year old but at least basic skills! For us avid readers it is difficult to imagine a world without the written word…terrifying thought.


    • These statistics are not only sad, they’re frightening, Annika. As a retired teacher, I try to get involved in childhood literacy events in our local schools and libraries and go there to read to kids and talk about books. Aside from teaching in traditional 4th and 5th grade classrooms (upon which all of our learning was literature based and filled with books that would draw the interest of students and get them hooked on reading, I taught reading to second language learners from around the world in grades 6 through 8), I love to appear as a mystery guest in classrooms to read to the kids and talk about reading and writing with them. My heart aches for every student who does not have the privilege of falling in love with the written word and pray for our kids, families, educators and all those who come in contact with our children. There is much work to be done. Sending out lots of love to all! ❤ xo

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy to see this shared on the Senior Salon this week. I’m playing catch-up because I still have the old Wednesday schedule in my brain – but I’m determined to get around to ALL the posts to say hello (in this case, say hello again – lol)

    I’ve already commented on how important I find this information, linking it to an article I wrote on a similar topic, but it bears repeating. I hope everyone clicks to read HERE *and* follows up by reading the original.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”


  3. That is a stunning statistic! Hard to believe. Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday on Mommynificent.com!


  4. What a painful statistic! There is no excuse for that in our country. Going over to read the post-thanks for sharing!


    • Thanks, Pamela. It really does take a village to raise our children and reading to them, providing books and giving them the opportunity to read to us and ‘talk books’ needs to be on every caring adult’s agenda. And, the kids love it! Have a great week, my friend. 🙂 xo


  5. I am appalled with the statistic that 1 in 4 children grow up without learning to read. In the US where education is provided through our public ed system, this is unacceptable!


  6. This is so unfortunate, Bette. Reading is the most important thing to learn because it is the foundation for learning everything else.


  7. Well said!!! Thanks for sharing, Bette.


  8. Laurie Evans said:

    Reading good literature was a big reason we homeschooled our two girls. I loved reading poetry growing up, still do, and even write poetry still on occasion. Working on my first books series too.
    Great article! And great to keep exercising our brains with no technology needed.
    Thank you for this posr

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, Laurie. Thanks so much for stopping by to read the post and join the conversation. How exciting to hear that you are working on your first book series. Enjoy the journey! Best wishes… 🙂 xo


  9. This is appalling! ONE FOURTH of our population grows up illiterate? Well THAT explains a lot.

    hmmmmmm . . . makes me wonder about not-my-president and his Sec. of Ed. appointee. Since science has shown that learning to read also changes the brain in some fundamental ways, that means that many folks are also missing a few cognitive marbles otherwise. Surely the “never been easier to confirm an appointee” veep is one of those.

    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to educate a world!”


  10. Thanks for sharing, Bette. That’s an abysmal stat. Parents and teachers and schools are certainly letting children down. I’m heading over to read more.


  11. Wonderful! Thank you, dear Bette!

    Liked by 1 person

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