A writer inspired by nature and human nature

Joy to the world POEM bas 2015

Comments on: "Winter Joy! a poem by Bette A. Stevens" (10)

  1. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    A perfect winter scene….


  2. Beautiful! Snow just makes the world gorgeous.


  3. Oh, Marilyn… Hope you can get out soon. Our snowbanks are as tall as we are and getting out of the driveway is frightening, but at least we can get out. WARM HUGS!


    • Garry does most of the going right now. It’s very cold and asthma is not amenable to icy weather and my body doesn’t bounce. But it’s not going to be very long until spring. Winter has been horrendous … but brief. Started late and hopefully, will end soon.


      • Take good care of you… It’s been so cold, I’ve been trying to walk 20+ minutes around the house non-stop each day for the past week. I was really feeling weak and got worried. Thinking lots of SPRINGY thoughts and sending them along your way! โค


  4. Does that mean your driveway doesn’t need to be plowed? Because mine does.


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