A writer inspired by nature and human nature

Sunbeam composing HAIKU bas 2015

Spring Magic?

I was fortunate to capture spring’s magical beams composing melodies on our daffodils along the walkway to the Farmstead late last week. Naturally, I got inspired. Grabbed the Cannon, downloaded several images to my laptop and played around with photo editor. I’m a writer inspired by nature who loves to capture the moments and to create new images too. What’s inspiring you?

~ Bette A. Stevens, Maine author/illustrator

Comments on: "Sunbeam Melodies: HAIKU by Bette A. Stevens" (10)

  1. Right now, the joy of sleeping in my own bed tonight! Hope all is well with you šŸ™‚


  2. Beautiful, Bette! You, my friend, are an inspiration to all. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs.


  3. Bette, what a beautiful poem to match a lovely landscape. I tweeted this and posted on FB.

    All the best,



  4. Reblogged this on Sharon K. Connell and commented:
    This is beautiful, Bette. I do the same thing with pictures I’ve taken. You’ve probably noticed that if you’ve seen any of my book trialers. I hadn’t really thought about doing landscape though. I’ll have to try it. Good job!


    • Thanks so much for the reblog, Sharon. I loved your book trailers and so glad you included them with your interview. I’m a nature nut who’s always inspired by my surroundings and love to capture little nuggets for poems. Thanks so much for your kind comments, my friend! šŸ™‚


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