A writer inspired by nature and human nature

Revelation POEM bas 2015

Comments on: "REVELATION, a poem by Bette A. Stevens" (32)

  1. Love that poem! Thanks for sharing this at Booknificent Thursday at Mommynificent.com!


  2. Hi Bette,
    I really enjoyed your poem above, I always think poets are so creative & clever with subtle but profound meanings! I am an author too & love to write so I am so glad to have found your site!
    You are invited to join me with your favorite beverage & a tasty treat of deliciousness in a time if reflection together 🙂


  3. You have nailed it Bette. Love this beautiful poem.


  4. Where is that dang love button when you need it. Lovely Bette.


  5. What a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it with us.


    • Thanks for stopping by, Joe. Hope you are well on the mend and enjoying an awesome autumn, my friend.


      • Thanks, Bette. Just bought a new tent and all the goodies to match. Trying to get my wife to join me in the woods. We used to do a lot of tent camping when our kids were young, and I always found it to be very romantic. I’m hoping the super-duper, queen-size inflatable mattress I bought will persuade her to take the plunge. We shall see… 🙂

        Sounds like an awesome plan, Joe. Have fun! ~ Bette


  6. anroworld said:

    I am speechless…this poem is a great tribute to LOVE…which we forget to share! Thank you, just BEAUTIFUL!


  7. Beautifully written poem that really says it all.Thank you.


  8. Beautiful Bette. Have a great weekend


  9. Beautiful poem, but I think you meant “throne” not “thrown.” My fingers do that too. My brain thinks one word and my hands type another.


  10. Beautiful, Bette! And we are to follow the example of loving each other unconditionally, too. Thank you for that reminder.


  11. A beautiful piece on how God loves us unconditionally.


  12. Bette, this is beautiful, and leaves me with a feeling of tranquility.


  13. Beautiful with an innate sense of peace and far-reaching spirituality. This made me stop my spinning thoughts for a moment and reflect.


  14. So beautifully done Bette~


  15. What a beautifully written poem – with a great message! Thank you so much!


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