A writer inspired by nature and human nature

Original photo from Pixabay (Display version edited by Bette A. Stevens for this haiku poster.) Writing haiku is not only easy, it’s fun. Find out all about it in this post. ~Bette A. Stevens, Maine author

Winter Interlude

Haiku by Bette A. Stevens

Lakeside interlude
Sings winter’s song—ice skaters
Hail the performance

This week, I was reminiscing about my teen years in Upstate New York. Although winters there were not at long as they are here in Maine, families and friends often took advantage of frozen lakes and ponds, gathering on weekends to light a bonfire and skate to their heart’s content. The memory of those bygone days inspired my to write Winter Interlude.

What events from the past are inspiring you this winter? 

It’s a perfect time to write a haiku of your own and share your memories with the kids and grandkids. Not only is writing haiku fun, it’s easy to do…


noun hai·ku \ˈhī-(ˌ)kü\

  1. :  an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing usually five, seven, and five syllables respectively; also :  a poem in this form usually having a seasonal reference — compare tanka

Discover more about how to write haiku and other poetry:

[Explore Bette’s Blog]

Comments on: "Writing Haiku: “Winter Interlude” (haiku) by Bette A. Stevens" (54)

  1. This is lovely Bette. Hugs.


  2. Excellent thank you Bette.. hugs x


  3. Another lovely poem, and the accompanying pic is gorgeous. Sharing…


  4. Great blog, Bette, and so instructional for those aspiring to be poets. I have fond memories of trying to ice skate while growing up in Chicago. Never could get the hang of it. Probably due to weak ankles. Tobogganing was more my forte. LOL

    I was wondering if you planned to share this tomorrow on our group forum. Please do.


    • Thank so much for your thoughtful note, Sharon. Toboganning is awesome…your note brings back memories of our family sledding parties when our girls were growing up. We’d take our camping lantern, sleds and toboggan out at night–oh what fun. 🙂 I hadn’t thought of sharing in the forum, but will do! ❤ xo


  5. Hi Bette,

    You tweaked and created another beautiful winter-wonderland scene, and of course, your Haiku’s are always beautifully written. I have a sneaky suspicion that they are not quite that simple to write. Your explanation of how to write a Haiku makes it seem easy enough. I’ll have to give it a whirl sometime.

    I grew up in Northern Ontario, Canada, where winters were frigid. In January, the temperatures plummeted to minus 60 degrees (with the wind-chill). When it wasn’t so cold, I skated on outdoor rinks.

    Hugs, my friend. ❤


    • Thanks so much, Tracy! ❤ Hope you'll give haiku a try… I think you'll enjoy. It's one of my favorite forms of poetry. Have a lovely weekend, my dear friend. xo


  6. Enjoy the weekend, Bette. We still have snow on the ground but now the struggle between end of winter and onset of spring begins.


    • Still have 2 feet of snow on the ground and what seem like unsumountable snowbanks are dwindling, but enjoyed a lovely 30 degree day with even warmer ones on the way. You enjoy your weekend too, Mary Ann! ❤ xo

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well we can see grass in some spots but still have the same 2′ of snow around the perimeter. Yesterday it was briefly spring with 60 degrees F. Not as warm today. Now more snow to come. Fact of life here. oxox


  7. Another great haiku, Bette. I do remember skating on ponds and bogs when I was growing up – sometimes with my friends, often with my parents and brother. My mom taught my dad to skate when he was in his 60s! Skating outside is the best!


    • Thanks for stopping by for a visit and for sharing your skating memories too, Noelle! Kudos to your dad for attempting the feat at age 60 and to your mom for teaching him. It’s a great family sport and we see so little of it outdoors today. ❤ xo


  8. Enjoyed the Haiku! As I look out over a frozen lake, I’m thinking about how the ice skaters have largely been replaced by ice fishers and snowmobile riders.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. nutsfortreasure said:

    Beautiful Bette


  10. A magical image and a wonderful haiku to match it … I love how the ice skaters celebrate the beauty of it all! It’s lovely to read about your skating memories and gladdened by the thought of the warming bonfires!


    • As a child living in California, Mom and Dad would take me to Ice Follies in San Francisco. They too were magical. I still love to watch those ice dancers at the Olympics. Never did I imagine that one day, I would be ice skating on lakes and ponds in New York. ❤ Have a magical week, Annika! xo

      Liked by 1 person

  11. A lovely poem, Bette. It evokes many wonderful memories of years long passed. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Captures the energy of the moment, beautifully!


  13. What a beautiful image, and Haiku. It brought back memories of my own time as a kid, skating on winter nights. There was a field across the street that sloped to a wide ditch. In the winter, the runoff would collect there and freeze, creating a stream of sorts. We also used to skate on a tennis court the fire department flooded for us in the winter, but it was never as fun as that crooked expanse at the bottom of the field.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I love this haiku, Bette. Haikus are fun – so much can be said in a few words.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. A beautiful haiku Bette. I grew up in Scotland in a village with a pond used for skating in winter. Sadly, I had no ice skates but I did enjoy making icy slides and skimming along them with my friends.

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  16. We had skating parties when I was a kid, Bette, and you’ve brought back those memories with your lovely haiku. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Beautiful scene and haiku, Bette.


  18. Lovely thoughts Bette…I love the song of winter! I agree with you…writing haiku is not an easy job as many people think and Tanka is more challenging…sometimes the syllables becomes more and the beauty of the thought is lost.


  19. Beautiul Bette!!! 🙂 ❤ xo

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  20. A delightful haiku, Bette. We don’t have snow in winter but we have seen ice skating on frozen ponds in France and the UK.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. This brought back such fun memories, Bette. I used to love to skate on the frozen ponds near home. We don’t get cold enough here in Oregon. Beautiful haiku. 🙂


  22. Bette, this is really good!! You outdid yourself!! and I love the picture so aptly described.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I can taste it all now–steaming cocoa and toasty roasted marshmallows. Those were the days! Thermoses filled with hot coffee for the grownups too… Have a lovely week, Jennifer. 🙂 xo


  24. Love this haiku Bette,
    we don’t have winter’s like you do, no snow!
    But your memories of your teenage years with a bonfire & ice skating with the community sounds so lovely. Was there hot chocolate & roasted marshmallows too?
    I can just imagine the setting!
    Thank you for that winter journey this morning. 🙂
    ♡ Jennifer

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Loved the haiku. It’s beautiful… 🙂


  26. Bette, great Haiku and so full of winter’s delight. You wake memories from childhood and youth when the sea froze and became our skating rink. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Gwen Plano said:

    I love the poem, Bette, and the image is exquisite. Like you, I enjoy writing Haiku; it’s a beautiful poetic form. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Gwen. Thanks so much for stopping by to enjoy the view… Nature provides such an abundant supply of inspiration for us no matter the season! May your week be filled with wonders, my friend. ❤ xo


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