A writer inspired by nature and human nature

Posts tagged ‘abuse recovery’

DOG BONE SOUP—ONLY 99¢ thru MAY 31st!


“Adventures and misadventures to the likes of Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry…”

DOG BONE SOUP by Bette A. Stevens
ONLY 99¢
for 7 days: May 25–31, 2016
Grab a copy today on YOUR AMAZON!


DOG BONE SOUP is not only the title of Bette A. Stevens’s debut novel; it ranks high among the paltry meals that the book’s protagonist, Shawn Daniels, wants to forget. Plodding through mounting snow and battling howling winds, Shawn is ready to leave it all behind—living in poverty, Dad’s drinking, life in foster care, the divorce, the bullies—it’s a story about survival, struggle and the human spirit—rising about it all.

Travel with Shawn Daniels through the guts and the glories of life. You’ll find them all in DOG BONE SOUP—a Boomer’s coming-of-age saga.


“DOG BONE SOUP is a fascinating literary study of poverty and family dysfunctional in the 1950 & 1960s. It is written in a fast-flowing, entertaining style that kept my turning pages, one after another.

“Despite the odds stacked against them, two brothers—Shawn Daniels and Willie—manage to survive, escaping the rants of a drunken abusive father and the hardships of rural life, cutting out on daily adventures and misadventures to the likes of Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry. DOG BONE SOUP is about making the best of what you have. It’s a story about survival, struggle, and the human spirit—rising above it all. As with all great literature, it is underscored with life lessons particularly memorable to this generation.

“This is true-to-life Americana; a story any Baby Boomer, rich or poor, can connect with and enjoy.” ~ Frank Scozzari, author

Tell your friends all about it…

And don’t forget to grab a copy of DOG BONE SOUP for yourself—only 99¢ at YOUR AMAZON today!

About the author

Inspired by nature and human nature, author Bette A. Stevens is a retired elementary and middle school teacher, a wife, mother of two and grandmother of five. Stevens lives in Central Maine with her husband on their 37-acre farmstead where she enjoys writing, gardening, walking and reveling in the beauty of nature. She advocates for children and families, for childhood literacy and for the conservation of monarch butterflies—an endangered species (and milkweed, the only plant that monarch caterpillars will eat).

Stevens is the author of AMAZING MATILDA, an award-winning picture book; The Tangram Zoo and Word Puzzles Too!, a home/school resource incorporating hands-on math and writing; and PURE TRASH, the short story prequel to her début novel, DOG BONE SOUP, a Boomer’s coming of age story.

DOG BONE SOUP by Bette A. Stevens
“Rising above it all!”
ONLY 99¢
for 7 days: May 25–31, 2016

Grab a copy today on YOUR AMAZON!

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ONLY 99¢ February 7th-14th: DOG BONE SOUP by Bette A. Stevens

DOG BONE SOUP on kindle 2Celebrate Love Month this year with a hearty helping of DOG BONE SOUP, a novel by Bette A. Stevens. The soup’s simmering and it’s on sale for ONLY 99¢ from February 7th through 14th. Set in the 1950s and 60s, DOG BONE SOUP is the coming-of-age saga of a poor boy growing up in rural New England. In DOG BONE SOUP, you’re sure to discover why “Compassion is such a beautiful thing.” Already have your copy? Please share the news with your friends!

Latest ✰✰✰✰✰ book review:

‘Wow! I don’t know where to start with this story. Every now and then a book comes along that really makes an impression on you. Dog Bone Soup is one of those books. I didn’t grow up in the 1950s, but I didn’t have to because the author put me smack-dab in the middle of them (then later in the 60s).

‘Told from oldest son Shawn’s point-of-view Dog Bone Soup is the tale of the Daniels family. Shawn is bright and intelligent, devoted to his younger siblings and his mother. He’d hold he same regard for his father if the man didn’t go on drinking binges and turn on Shawn’s mother.

‘With a father who is considered the town drunk, and a family forced to eke out a hardscrabble living, Shawn dreams of escaping and one day becoming an Air Force pilot.

‘If this story sounds bleak, it’s far from it. Rather it is a vividly told tale of a family that finds ways to circumvent the poverty in which they live. There is so much heart here—devoted, honorable characters who do what’s necessary to survive. The descriptions and the settings soar off the pages. Read Dog Bone Soup and you’ll know what it feels like to go flying down a hill on your bicycle, hike to the creek to catch fish for dinner, or turn in empty bottles for penny candy. I devoured this book in two nights. Pick it up once and it’s extremely hard to put down. Highly recommended!’ ~Mae Clair, author

If you’ve already read DOG BONE SOUP and enjoyed it, I invite you to share this post. If you haven’t tasted it yet, I invite you to celebrate Love Month by downloading a copy on YOUR AMAZON for only 99¢ from February 7th-14th.


Bette A. Stevens

[Explore Bette’s Blog]

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