A writer inspired by nature and human nature

Posts tagged ‘Valentine’s Giveaway’


Facebook-Cover-Image-Template GIVEAWAY HAPPY LOVE MONTH!

    February 1— #9 on The Gittle List: Top 10 Children’s Picture Books of 2013  Aviva Gittle Publishing (San Diego, CA): “On the surface, the story is about the birth and transformation of a Monarch butterfly. The underlying story is about the challenges children experience as they grow and learn. It can foster a discussion with your child about the power of perseverance. Heck, it’s also just fun to read!”
  • THE TANGRAM ZOO—Tangram puzzles and riddles for hands-on learning and fun for the whole family/classroom: “Awesome and Creative!” —S.B.
  • PURE TRASH, The Story—1950s short story adventure (bullying, poverty & prejudice) for the YA/Adult reader. “Truly moving short story.” Michael Carrier


Simply click this link to enter…   a Rafflecopter giveaway

Love Month is Knocking!

May your February be filled with love... ~ Bette A. Stevens

May your February be filled with love… ~ Bette A. Stevens http://www.4writersandreaders.com

February is knocking and it’s time to get up and answer the door. That means lots of edits and rewrites for my debut novel, featuring Shawn Daniels, protagonist from PURE TRASH—the short story prequel to the upcoming novel. Since I plan to release the novel this spring, February is the perfect month for me to get out those colored pens (editing) and get that first draft tuned up and ready to share with my first outside-of-the-house editors. Our darling kitty—Midnight—is on high alert to help at every turn. She loves pens, eye glasses, paper clips and everything that glimmers or moves. And, of course, she has to make sure that there’s nothing for her in my tea mug. Midnight was busy playing with her catnip mouse (photos) earlier today— giving a glorious partridge time to munch on some of our delectable crab apples—before she went out for her morning stroll.

I’ll have a Valentine’s Books Giveaway to share with you soon. Meanwhile, stay warm and enjoy the wonderful Month of Love.  ~ Bette A. Stevens

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