A writer inspired by nature and human nature

Moose Point & Poem 2015 basClick on the photo to enlarge

An Author’s Day Away

How does this Central Maine writer like to kickback and relax? A day trip to the coast is most welcome every now and then. And, it’s bound to be inspiring.

The forecast was perfect—60s and sunny with a coastal spring breeze. We packed the car (jackets/coffee/snacks) and headed south along The Moosehead Trail (Route 7 from Newport to Belfast), then east over Head of Tide Road to meet Route 1, where we drove north to Searsport to enjoy one of our favorite spots—Moose Point State Park. This coastal gem is the perfect spot to savor an afternoon picnic, revel in the views of Penobscot Bay, climb its rock-bound shore and trek the trails through an awe spruce forest. Ah, the magic of Maine!

Thanks for hopping on board, friends. What’s your favorite spot to enjoy on a day away?

~ Bette A. Stevens

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Comments on: "A Day Away, Plus a Poem for May by Bette A. Stevens" (24)

  1. Bette: Sherman’s bookstore in Boothbay Harbor, Friday, Aug. 14 at 1:00. Would love to meet you!


  2. I’ve always wanted to visit Maine. It always sounds like heaven on earth.


  3. What a beautiful place Bette!


  4. Since we’re heading up your way in June, nice to see some good weather 🙂 Finally.


  5. Beautiful Bette. Maine is such a glorious place you are wise to take advantage of it’s gifts.


  6. This makes me homesick for Williamsport nestled in the valley of Susquehanna Mountains with the wide river rushing by. Nearby are mountains with streams where we–not me-used to jump off a high cliff into the icy water. There’s a peace there that I sure don’t feel on Staten Island, in spite of being surrounded by not so clean beaches. Ah well, there’s always my pool where I can float and gaze up at the ever changing beauty of the sky.

    Lovely poem, Bette, easy to see where you get your inspiration.

    Take care, my friend,



    • Dear Micki,

      Your “Williamsport” reminds me of my teen years, spent in Fort Montgomery, NY and treking through the woods to take my brothers swimming at “Hell Hole.” Lots more exciting than Bear Mountain’s pool (lol… and I did LOL about Bear Mtn. when I read your scene in And the Whippoorwill Sang). Oh, the memories! Blessings and love, Bette


  7. it would be great if we could meet up, Noelle. I’ve marked my calendar, though don’t know what will be going on up here just yet. Keep me posted! ❤


  8. Need you ask? You KNOW I would love this! Will be in Boothbay Harbor Aug 8-15, have a reading on the 14th.


  9. This looks and sounds wonderful, Bette, and I am sure your writer’s well was full after the day. We love to go to Niagara-on-the-Lake these days because of its great historical links to my novels. Another favorite place is walking the nature trails which abound near where we live. My creativity gets a shot in the arm with all the natural beauties we spot. 🙂


    • Niagara and the entire lakes’ region is inspirational and I can just imagine your pages coming to life with each trip. My husband and I have driven the USA coast to coast several times over the years and the diversity of our magnificent landscapes never cease to amaze and inspire. Happy writing along the trail! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m sure you had a wonderful time. I remember when I was up in Maine. It was particularly beautiful. I love being by the water to relax. I guess that’s why I love walking the Texas bayous. It’s relaxing, although we don’t have rocks (bummer!)


    • There’s just something magical about any of our water wonderlands! We have a brook half a mile from the house and I love to just sit and daydream, taking in the beauty bit by bit, day by day, as the landscapes and waterways perform their magic. The Texas bayou must be magical too. ENJOY! ❤


  11. Looks like a beautiful spot!


  12. BarbaraK aka fiddlbarb said:

    So very beautiful! Makes me homesick for “back east.”


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